Five tips for selling your boat!

Are you planning to sell your boat? Jachtmakelaardij de Maas is happy to help you get started. Please feel free to visit us for an informal discussion. Here are some tips that will most certainly help you, although we are only too happy to take the work off your hands.
1. Clean
When you want to sell the boat, make sure it is clean. The first impression is the most important. On top of that, many buyers find it difficult to imagine reality.
2. Fragrance
A clean ship is only the beginning. Make sure the boat does not smell, freshen the interior, wash the curtains, sop out the engine room. Make sure refrigerators are ajar.
3. No junk
We are amazed at how much stuff we bring on board. Old blinds, broken switches, gaskets that are nergs of, a broken water pump, etc. Empty cabinets look better and give a good impression of storage options. Which the new owner can then put trope in, that is.
4. Not too personal
A boat, of course, is supposed to “live.” A boat full of personalities like clothes, pictures and the like doesn’t do well either. After all, we want a buyer to think of the boat as his own. When the boat is full of personal items, it is more difficult.
5. Repair
Often, as a seller, you think, the new owner can do that. Believe me, a new owner is really not looking forward to doing the previous owner’s chores. That’s where ships are inspected these days. And as a rule, all mankenments are repaired at the owner’s expense or are settled. A boat this well maintained exudes this, and inspires confidence in a buyer. Which in turn allows you as the seller to negotiate a better price.